Chapter One :Chapter 1

Mummy, mummy what has happened to you ?why is your eyes closed ? sister what's wrong with mummy and why are you crying? .mummy please open your eyes.

mummy, mummy mummy ee.........

she woke with a tap on her shoulder to see her friend May looking at her with a worried face.

"Are you ok?"may asked

"Yes, am fine."she replied

"I was on my way to your room when I heard you screaming. see, there is still dried tears on your face. Are sure, you're okay?".

"yes I'm fine .I just had a nightmare."

"want to talk about it? ."

"No."I answered

she nodded while accessing her to make sure she's actually fine.

"Alright, incase,if you needs a shoulder to leen on just know I will always be here for you. okay? "

"okay May .thank you I will remember that. "

"Now get up, up up up and go take a shower we're running late .Be fast about that else, I will dragood you out my self ".

"Yes ma"she replied while she watched her friend start walking to the door. she stopped at the door turn to herror and said;

"I will be down stairs with your grandparents meet me there when you're done."she stated turn around and walk out of the door living her alone in the room.

May had been her friend ever since she was in grade six.she met her in the school canteen where three girls were bullying her.

she was the only one who stood up to defend her. They have been best friends from that day onward.

she thought her, how to stand up for herself without letting anyone intimi date her.

She can be anything you want her to be, good or bad.

"Ahh!this bathtub water is so amazing, I don't want to leave yet .I think I should relax a little......".

"Joanna,Joanna come out from the shower before I drag you out myself .Don't you know the time. Do you want us to lose our job?."

"Sorry bestie,am almost done ".

"you will be sorry to your self when the boss fires us.Ten minutes, Joanna I give you ten minutes to come down else...."

May threatened .She intentionally left the rest of her statement hanging. She left the room walking back to the living room to continue the discussion she was having with Joanna's grandparents hoping that her little threat could make her friend hurry up.

"Grandma,you're saying that a fifteen year old is passed the age of marriage. But she's just a tean not yet an adult how can she get married? talk more of passing the marriage age."

"Well my dear, that's how it is during our time.

"well my dear, that's how it is during our time ".grandma said

"It crazy .I can't even imagine myself getting married at that age ".

"Trust me dear you will. When all ur friends and everyone around you are married you won't have any other choice. Imagine when girls who're younger than you are married with kids, you will be the odd one out. "grandpa added joining the discussion.

"I guess you're right. Anyway thank God we're no longer in that boring generation of yours ,that think only about marriage and baby. "

"hahaha "the two grannies laughed. "you are too funny May but that isn't all the thought about. Anyway let me check the food in the kitchen. help me arrange the dinning May.will you? ."

grandma said and walked to the kithen without giving May time to reply.


Joanna Daniel is the second child of her parents as well as the only survival child. Her elder sister along with the parents died instantly on a ghastly accident on their way to see their grandparents .she happened to be the only s one who survived. It was a narrow escape . she had been staying with her grandparents ever since she got discharge from the hospital. Joanna Daniels turn 20 on July. A young woman.

isn't she? .

Mr. and Mrs. Tukumbo Daniels belong to the class of average.The aren't rich but comfortably living.

Mr. and Mrs. Tukumbo Daniels belong to the class of average. The aren't rich but comfortably living.

Mrs Tukumbo is a petty trader while the husband is a retired banker.


"Ahh, I can't believe I spent such amount of time in the shower.May will kill me ,I better dress up quickly before she comes in.

By the way what should I wear ?

mmmm.......maybe I should go in my devil's attire.what do you think.?...perfect right? yeah...yeah...yeah I know."Am going to rock my black. she told her self as she selected a black knee length gown that will tighten her body in order to show off her curvy body .The most atractive part of her. She creamed her body before wearing her underthings.

she isn't as beautiful as May but she had got a nice shape to show off. putting on her black dress which seemed to blend well with her white skin completion making her stand out among the others .

Black being her favourite color, she always try to make it a fas hi on able wear that can be admire by all just like other coloured clothes which everyone consider beautiful .

Bringing out her makeup kit and applying a small amount of makeup on her face with a finishing touch of nude lip gloss before put ting on a jewelry.

she got up to examine her work in the mirror ....

" am satisfied with my look .And I'm glad my makeup blend well with my dress and jewelry .Gud look at theis shape,so......."she trail off as her eyes caught the wall clock.

"oh my God!!!". she exclaimed "It's 7.00 am getting fired .Nothing is going to make the manager spare us today ".she murmured to her self.

Walking out to the dinning she find hergrandparents eating and chatting happily with her friend.

"Good morning grannies "she greeted as she peck their cheeks .

"Good morning Joanna,"the respond

"mmmm.....this is not fair ,how can you all, start eating without me?"frowning her face in pretence she asked.

"sorry dear ".

"what grandma ,why apologize ?"May asked "doesn't she know that there's no food for a late comer."she added making them laugh.

"I know May. let me pity her today .come Joanna,sit and have breakfast "

"No grandma,we're late for work. come May let's go."

The walked out of the house to the road .Reaching the Junction, the hired a taxi which took them to the boutique where the work.'The bestie boutique ' one of the best boutique in newyork. different category and class of people gets their wear from there.

"Joanna ,see what you've caused.Now tell me what do we do?.What excuse do we have. "May complained feeling agitated.

"don't worry i know what to do .....let's sneak in"


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